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A good work-life balance

Anxiety can become a vicious cycle that’s hard to break out of. In a recent survey 29% of people said work was a source of anxiety, so it’s important to keep a healthy work-life balance. Mental Health Foundation have got some useful tips:

My self-care plan: Primary & Secondary

Anna Freud have put together some wonderful free resources: This #SelfCareSummer plan walks primary and secondary aged children through steps to help them create a simple self-care plan that works for them and to identify activities that they can use to support their mental health over the summer holidays and beyond.

#SelfCareSummer – Anna Freud NCCF@AFNCCF

Are you ready for #SelfCareSummer? We have created packs for schools to help young people find strategies to support their mental health and wellbeing over the holidays, and we have also created a self-care toolkit for staff. Download now

Childline’s Calm Zone

There are lots of ways to feel calmer. The trick is finding out what works for each individual. Childline have free resources of ideas, games, tools and exercises designed to help children and young people stay calm as much as possible. To find out more click here: How Are You Feeling? Good Okay Excellent […]

Staff mental health in education toolkit

People are more and more aware of the need to support children, young people and those in education with their mental health. But working in education can have its intense demands and pressures too. Whether in colleges, schools or universities, it’s important to look out for staff and colleagues, and try to make their working environment […]