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Oak National Academy – FREE resources for Teachers

Oak National Academy was created in April 2020 as a rapid response to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. More than 40 teachers and colleagues from leading education organisations came together to support schools’ efforts to keep children learning.

The 10,000 available lessons and resources cover a wide range of subjects, from Early Years Foundation Stage to Year 11. And they've also created specialist lessons covering a wide range of learning areas and therapies. There is also a wide-range of mediums, with high-quality videos available throughout.

As well as their lessons for pupils, the Oak Teacher Hub allows schools to choose how best to use the available resources. Teachers can:

  • Download, edit and adapt lesson slides and worksheets wherever copyright allows
  • Follow a weekly schedule, or select and share lessons in any order 
  • Share units, lessons or individual resources with fellow teachers or pupils
  • Support a range of pupils, with captions on all lessons, BSL for the youngest, and printable resources for those without devices.

Check out more about Oak National Academy here: