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Talking to pupils when they make mental health disclosures

The way in which that disclosure is first handled will be critically important, both in terms of the pupil’s immediate feelings and his or her likelihood of engaging in future support.

It is crucial, therefore, that clear ground rules are set for PSHE lessons, one of which will be that personal matters should not be discussed in a group setting, another that while PSHE teachers are always willing to talk to pupils about the pupil’s personal situation in a one-to-one setting, they can never promise confidentiality, since disclosures may have safeguarding implications. What teachers can do, however, is to listen sensitively and in a supportive way while at the same time gathering the information they need to consider what to do next.

Head over to our External Agency Support repository and check out the PSHE Association for support, guidance and information on how to get the most out of PSHE.

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